Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
翻译 - 对Node.js的简单,轻松的身份验证。
一个支持如ACL, RBAC, ABAC等访问模型,可用于Golang, Java, C/C++, Node.js, Javascript, PHP, Laravel, Python, .NET (C#), Delphi, Rust, Ruby, Lua (OpenResty), Dart (Flutter)和Elixir的授权库。
authentik 是一个 Python开发的 IdP (身份提供商) 和 SSO (单点登录) 系统
支持 OAuth 2.0、OIDC 和 SAML 的 UI 优先集中式身份验证/单点登录 (SSO) 平台,与 Casbin RBAC 和 ABAC 权限管理集成
ZITADEL - Identity infrastructure, simplified for you.
Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
翻译 - 集成的Django应用程序集,可解决身份验证,注册,帐户管理以及第三方(社交)帐户身份验证的问题。
The Complete Authentication and User Management Solution for the Passkey Era. Open Source Alternative to Clerk, Auth0, et al.
Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
翻译 - CLI工具,使您可以使用SAML IDP登录和检索AWS临时凭证
🔥 Streamline your web application's authentication with Jackson, an SSO service supporting SAML and OpenID Connect protocols. Beyond enterprise-grade Single Sign-On, it also supports Directory Sync v...
#大语言模型#A third-party ChatGPT Web UI page built with Express and Vue3, through the official OpenAI completion API. / 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的第三方 ChatGPT 前端页面, 基于 OpenAI 官方 completion API.
🔐 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) App and Plugin for Caddy v2. 💎 Implements Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 (Github, Google, Facebook, Okta, etc.), SAML...
Dromara 🗝️MaxKey SSO ,Leading-Edge IAM-IDaas(Identity and Access Management) Product , Under Apache License, Version 2.0 is free ,业界领先的IAM-IDaas身份管理和认证产品,遵循 Apache License, Version 2.0 开源免费,支持OAuth2....
A GlobalProtect VPN client for Linux, written in Rust, based on OpenConnect and Tauri, supports SSO with MFA, Yubikey, and client certificate authentication, etc.
Open-source dev tools for enterprise SSO. Ship SAML + SCIM support this afternoon.
一账通是一款开源的统一身份认证授权管理解决方案,支持多种标准协议(LDAP, OAuth2, SAML, OpenID),细粒度权限控制,完整的WEB管理功能,钉钉、企业微信集成等,QQ group: 167885406
SimpleSAMLphp is an application written in native PHP that deals with authentication.
翻译 - SimpleSAMLphp是使用本机PHP编写的屡获殊荣的应用程序,它处理身份验证。
🔥Authing - IDaaS/IAM solution that can Auth to web, mobile and agent applications.
OpenAM is an open access management solution that includes Authentication, SSO, Authorization, Federation, Entitlements and Web Services Security.