authentik 是一个 Python开发的 IdP (身份提供商) 和 SSO (单点登录) 系统
Family-friendly HomeOps driven by Kubernetes and GitOps using Flux
Nix flake with package, NixOS module and VM test for authentik. Alternative deployment mode to the official docker-compose approach. No official support by authentik [maintainers=@willibutz @ma27]
Manage with terraform.
A collection of (horrible) bash scripts to install Authentik on bare metal, LXC, or any other non-Dockerized environment
Golang API Client for
Nexus plugin for OIDC login via OAuth2 Proxy
ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) - new dark theme, setup guides, Docker and OpenVPN support. Constantly updated IP Blocklists (for any firewall, host file). Includes Traefik integration with Authentik and ...
Ohif V3 & Orthanc (Postgresdb ) with Authentik and Nignx Proxy Manager
Docker traefik proxy with optional cloudflare and authentik support
POC for Authentik OAuth Authentication/Authorization Go client library, programmatically creates Users, Groups, OAuth tokens etc.
[Official Mirror] Authentik-Manager helm chart and operator for managing authentik declaritively with side-loadable secrets.
Store configurations for common setups
Build a k3s Kubernetes cluster using Ansible. The goal is to install a HA Kubernetes cluster easily with a base Traefik Ingress Controller with cert-manager, storage provisioning with Longhorn, and se...
Сборка docker compose файлов для разворачивания DWH системы.