Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit for writing reactive polyglot applications for the JVM. Vert.x comes with an extensive reactive ecosystem that is modular, performant, and easy to use. Developers can build many kinds of applications such as soft realtime web applications, microservices, IoT applications, protocol adapters, and distributed applications thanks to the wide variety of this ecosystem.
vert.x 是用于构建基于JVM的响应式编程的应用程序
Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...
#下载器#各类网盘直链解析服务, 已支持蓝奏云/蓝奏优享/小飞机盘/123云盘/移动联通/天翼云等. 体验地址:
一言·古诗词 API (Hitokoto API),随机返回一条古诗词名句。采用 Vert.x + Redis 全异步开发,毫秒级稳定响应。
#前端开发#Object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS
SirixDB is an an embeddable, bitemporal, append-only database system and event store, storing immutable lightweight snapshots. It keeps the full history of each resource. Every commit stores a space-e...
翻译 - SirixDB有助于有效,高效地存储和查询您的时间数据。每个提交都存储一个节省空间的快照。它是日志结构的,永远不会覆盖数据。 SirixDB使用一种称为滑动快照的新颖页面级版本控制方法。
HTTP web applications for Vert.x
翻译 - HTTP web applications for Vert.x
High performance reactive SQL Client written in Java
🚀 fast JavaScript 4 Eclipse Vert.x
An Intuitive Event-Driven Reactive Programming Library for Java
Vert.x Blueprint Project - Micro-Shop microservice application
A self-hosted Telegram file downloader for continuous, stable, and unattended downloads.
Vert.x 3 guide for Java developers
鱼皮的 24 年新项目,基于 Java + Etcd + Vert.x 的高性能 RPC 框架,用新颖的技术栈从 0 到 1 带大家开发轮子。教程由浅入深,可以学习并实践基于 Vert.x 的网络服务器、序列化器、基于 Etcd 和 ZooKeeper 的注册中心、反射、动态代理、自定义网络协议、多种设计模式(单例 / 工厂 / 装饰者等)、负载均衡器设计、重试和容错机制、Spring Boot ...
A reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.
A jOOQ-CodeGenerator to create vertx-ified DAOs and POJOs.
A simple and modern Java and Kotlin vert.x web framework