SirixDB is an an embeddable, bitemporal, append-only database system and event store, storing immutable lightweight snapshots. It keeps the full history of each resource. Every commit stores a space-e...
翻译 - SirixDB有助于有效,高效地存储和查询您的时间数据。每个提交都存储一个节省空间的快照。它是日志结构的,永远不会覆盖数据。 SirixDB使用一种称为滑动快照的新颖页面级版本控制方法。
#计算机科学#⛈️ RumbleDB 1.22.0 "Pyrenean oak" 🌳 for Apache Spark | Run queries on your large-scale, messy JSON-like data (JSON, text, CSV, Parquet, ROOT, AVRO, SVM...) | No install required (just a jar to downl...
翻译 - ⛈️ RumbleDB 1.17.0 "Cacao tree" 🌳 for Apache Spark | Run queries on your large-scale, messy JSON-like data (JSON, text, CSV, Parquet, ROOT, AVRO, SVM...) | No install required (just a jar to download) | Declarative Machine Learning and more
Query processor with proven optimizations, ready to use for your JSON store to query semi-structured data with JSONiq. Can also be used as an ad-hoc in-memory query processor.
#计算机科学#Unity DGMS is an analytics runtime environment for decision guidance systems.
MINLPLib.jq is a JSONiq library of Mixed-Integer and Continuous Nonlinear Programming Instances in the native DGAL format.
🌳️🌐️#️⃣️ The Bliss Browser JSONiq language support module, allowing JSONiq programs to be written in and ran within the browser.
#编辑器#⌨️ The JSONiq programming language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
📚️ A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the JSONiq programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
Weekly programming exercises for the ETH course "Big Data for Engineers" (Spring 2021).
Understanding various topics related to data and Web. These include REST and GraphQL API development, Web access to databases, XML and related technologies, JSON and related technologies, Semantic Web...