Seata 是一款阿里巴巴开源的分布式事务解决方案,致力于在微服务架构下提供高性能和简单易用的分布式事务服务。
DTM 是一个由 Go 语言开发的分布式事务管理器,并支持接入多种语言
Distributed transaction solutions
翻译 - 分布式交易解决方案
QMQ是去哪儿网内部广泛使用的消息中间件,自2012年诞生以来在去哪儿网所有业务场景中广泛的应用,包括跟交易息息相关的订单场景; 也包括报价搜索等高吞吐量场景。
Cetus is high-performance middleware designed to provide transparent routing between your application and backend MySQL servers.
ByteJTA is a distributed transaction manager based on the XA/2PC mechanism. It’s compatible with the JTA specification. User guide:
Kunlun-storage is the storage component for Kunlun distributed DBMS. It's developed based on percona-mysql-8.0.x and contains exclusive features used by Kunlun distributed DBMS, performance enhancemen...
JMay是一款基于Spring、SpringMVC、Mybatis、Atomikos集成框架,用于快速搭建跨数据库、分布式事务(JTA)支持的java web项目
implements xa and tcc distributed transaction manager and microservice example
implements xa and tcc distributed transaction manager and microservice example
Byteman rules for instrumenting applications and figuring out what the F.. is going on
Transactions processing engine based on XA and XA+ protocols.