rqlite 是一个基于 SQLite 的分布式关系型数据库
Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB
A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability
翻译 - 具有水平可伸缩性和高可用性的分布式快速开源图形数据库
A template for PostgreSQL High Availability with Etcd, Consul, ZooKeeper, or Kubernetes
翻译 - 使用ZooKeeper,etcd或Consul的PostgreSQL高可用性模板
Distributed SQL database in Rust, written as an educational project
翻译 - Rust中的分布式SQL数据库,作为学习项目编写
Easegress 是一个全功能型的流量调度和编排系统,通过API网关技术,可以在不改一行代码的情况下,最大限度的帮助后台服务扩大系统可用性和稳定性,并且可以增加整体的性能。其可以让企业在快速业务增长的同时不用对整个技术架构进行大改造,以赢得并抓住稍瞬即逝的商业机会。
A feature complete and high performance multi-group Raft library in Go.
翻译 - Go中功能完善的高性能多组Raft库。
An industrial-grade C++ implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm based on brpc, widely used inside Baidu to build highly-available distributed systems.
翻译 - 基于brpc的RAFT共识算法的工业级C ++实现,在百度内部广泛用于构建高可用性的分布式系统。
Embeddable, replicated and fault-tolerant SQL engine.
翻译 - 可嵌入,复制和容错的SQL引擎。
A production-grade java implementation of RAFT consensus algorithm.
翻译 - RAFT共识算法的生产级Java实现。
Raft distributed consensus algorithm implemented in Rust.
#区块链#FISCO BCOS(发音为/ˈfɪskl bi:ˈkɒz/)是一个稳定、高效、安全的许可区块链平台,已被广泛应用于现实的行业应用。截至目前,已拥有5000多家企事业单位,400多个产业数字化标杆应用,涵盖文化版权、司法服务、政府服务、物联网、金融、智慧社区、房地产建设、社区治理、乡村振兴等领域。FISCO BCOS (pronounced /ˈfɪskl bi:ˈkɒz/) is a stabl...
A Kubernetes toolkit for building distributed applications using cloud native principles
Curve is a sandbox project hosted by the CNCF Foundation. It's cloud-native, high-performance, and easy to operate. Curve is an open-source distributed storage system for block and shared file storage...
Awesome list for Paxos and friends
LogCabin is a distributed storage system built on Raft that provides a small amount of highly replicated, consistent storage. It is a reliable place for other distributed systems to store their core m...
翻译 - LogCabin是基于Raft构建的分布式存储系统,可提供少量高度复制的一致存储。这是其他分布式系统存储其核心元数据的可靠场所,有助于解决集群管理问题。
Next generation API for .NET
翻译 - NET的下一代API