Dapr 是一个可移植的、事件驱动的运行时,它使任何开发人员能够轻松构建出弹性的、无状态和有状态的应用程序,并可运行在云平台或边缘计算中,它同时也支持多种编程语言和开发框架。
Easegress 是一个全功能型的流量调度和编排系统,通过API网关技术,可以在不改一行代码的情况下,最大限度的帮助后台服务扩大系统可用性和稳定性,并且可以增加整体的性能。其可以让企业在快速业务增长的同时不用对整个技术架构进行大改造,以赢得并抓住稍瞬即逝的商业机会。
The Cloud-Native Network Proxy Platform
翻译 - MOSN是边缘或服务网格的云本地代理。 https://mosn.io
Enable Sidecar on Unsupported iPads and Macs running iPadOS 13 and macOS Catalina
A docker sidecar container to forward all traffic to local docker host or any other host
Deploy and execute AWS Lambda functions from your Laravel application.
翻译 - Deploy and execute AWS Lambda functions from your Laravel application.
A fast and efficient cloud native application runtime
翻译 - 快速高效的云原生应用运行时
Pipy is a programmable proxy for the cloud, edge and IoT.
High Performance HTTP Sidecar Load Balancer
A db proxy for distributed transaction, read write splitting and sharding! Support any language! It can be deployed as a sidecar in a pod.
Kubernetes sidecar injection service
翻译 - Kubernetes边车注入服务
Spawn - Actor Mesh
A template project to demonstrate how to run WebAssembly functions as sidecar microservices in dapr
Cross-platform Desktop GUI for ClamAV antivirus.
Microservices demo application on cloud-hosted Kubernetes cluster