Tauri 是一个构建适用于所有主流桌面和移动平台的体积小、速度快二进制文件的框架。 开发者们可以集成任何用于创建用户界面的可以被编译成 HTML、JavaScript 和 CSS 的前端框架, 同时可以在必要时使用 Rust、Swift 和 Kotlin 等语言编写后端逻辑。
Tauri 利用了已经存在于每一个用户系统的 webview。Tauri 应用中只包含了该应用专属的代码和资源文件, 不需要在每个应用中都打包一个浏览器引擎,这意味着一个最小化的 Tauri 应用体积可能小于 600KB。
#大语言模型#✨ Light and Fast AI Assistant. Support: Web | iOS | MacOS | Android | Linux | Windows
#大语言模型#🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
Clash Nyanpasu~(∠・ω< )⌒☆
Open source Loom alternative. Beautiful, shareable screen recordings.
Generate any location from the real world in Minecraft Java Edition with a high level of detail.
The Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11.
Readest is a modern, feature-rich ebook reader designed for avid readers offering seamless cross-platform access, powerful tools, and an intuitive interface to elevate your reading experience.
Xplorer, a customizable, modern file manager
翻译 - Xplorer,一个可定制的现代文件管理器
一个直观的 API 请求测试工具,支持REST、GraphQL、WebSockets、SSE、gRPC。使用Tauri,Rust和ReactJS构建
#IPTV#📺 Cross-platform IPTV player application with multiple features, such as support of m3u and m3u8 playlists, favorites, TV guide, TV archive/catchup and more.
🎉跨平台的剪贴板管理工具 | Cross-platform clipboard management tool
#安卓#Cross-platform AirDrop. File transfer between Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows over ad hoc WiFi. No network infrastructure required, just two devices with WiFi chips in close range.
翻译 - 通过自动配置的临时网络进行无线加密文件传输。无需网络基础架构(接入点,路由器,交换机)。仅有两台带有无线芯片的笔记本电脑。 Mac,Windows和Linux。
A modern, open source password manager for individuals and teams.