#效率工具集合#A modern alternative to ls
Xplorer, a customizable, modern file manager
翻译 - Xplorer,一个可定制的现代文件管理器
Like "ls", but for images. Shows thumbnails in terminal using sixel graphics.
翻译 - 类似于“ ls”,但用于图像。使用Sixel图形在终端中显示缩略图。
Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips
Embed files into a Go executable
翻译 - 将文件嵌入Go可执行文件
User-friendly glob matching
翻译 - 用户友好的全局匹配
Powerful Multi-User File Manager
翻译 - 强大的多用户文件管理器
Cross Platform tool to validate configuration files
「🔑」A tool used to hunt down API key leaks in JS files and pages
Custom themes for Files
翻译 - Custom themes for Files
Lara-files is a package which will make it easier to work with files. Package has built-in support for DigitalOcean spaces and Amazon S3.