Find files with SQL-like queries
🌈Rainbow CSV - Vim plugin: Highlight columns in CSV and TSV files and run queries in SQL-like language
CursusDB is an open-source distributed in-memory yet persisted document oriented database system with real time capabilities.
🦜RBQL - Rainbow Query Language: SQL-like query engine for (not only) CSV file processing. Supports SQL queries with Python and JavaScript expressions.
🌈Rainbow CSV - Sublime Text Package: Highlight columns in CSV and TSV files and run queeries in SQL-like language
【🔥今日热门】🏎️ 更好的ORM库 (Better ORM library that is simple, fast and self-mockable for Go)
💻 SQLGitHub — Managing GitHub organization made easier
A SQL-like language for efficient code analysis and transformations
Process Query Language (PQL) is a special-purpose programming language for managing process models based on information about process instances that these models describe. PQL is based upon temporal l...
Find files and folders with SQL-like queries
Database Management System designed and written from scratch in Go.
A runtime engine for CEDARScript, a SQL-like language for code analysis and transformations
A PHP parser for a sql-like filter
Mongit allows you to map your data from a sql database and into a mongodb document database
SQL-like interface to tabular structured data