CursusDB is an open-source distributed in-memory yet persisted document oriented database system with real time capabilities.
Condensation is an open-source data system for building cloud applications while keeping the ownership of data.
翻译 - 冷凝是一个零信任分布式数据库,可确保数据所有权和数据安全性
#Awesome#Presentations that programmers should watch
💾 CMU 15-445/645: Intro to Database Systems (Fall 2017). A course on the design and implementation of database management systems.
A case study about designing simple database system for a bookstore. This repository contains ERD design and SQL codes for design of bookstore database system. The main purpose of this system is to bu...
This repository contains the two-part advanced SQL programming and database design capstone project made for the DTU Data Science course 02170: Database Systems
#算法刷题#All the homeworks, testers and projects done at Marmara University, Computer Science & Engineering
CSC502: Database Management System [DBMS] & CSL503: Database Management System Lab [DBMS Lab] <Semester V>
Sort Merge Join and Hash Join algorithm for natural join of two database relations
Website Documentation for BearDB and BearDBAPI
This is my Database Systems course work. Kindly avoid copying these tasks. I would highly encourage you to reach out to me and get my help. You can send me an email at ahmedtahami@yahoo.com. I will do...
What JB system? It's Lab 3 of the course « Database Systems » of USTC in Spring 2020
#计算机科学#R package for matching algorithm in causal inference
A mini SQL engine to parse and execute simple sql queries implemented in python