Awesome & interesting talks about programming
翻译 - 关于编程的精彩有趣的演讲
🔥 JavaScript talks you have to see 📺 on functional programming, performance, frameworks, React, debugging, leveling up, and more! ⚡️
#UI框架#🔥 CSS talks you have to see ⚡️ covering CSS Grid, flexbox, custom variables, performance, frameworks, Sass, tools, and more! 🚀 is a community-driven platform listing developer/tech conferences and Calls for Papers (CFPs) worldwide with a list, a calendar and a map view. It helps organizers, speakers, sponsor...
#博客#A series of blog posts and talks about the world of containers 📦
#安卓#📲 A collaborative list of Conferences
😎 A curated list of talks about React Native or topics related to React Native
开源面对面,连接热爱开源的你!Episodes for the open-source face-to-face talk!
#Awesome#Presentations that programmers should watch
📖 Huge curated collection (archive) of links of Tech, Science, Economics, Politics, Life, Philosophy, Conferences, Videos and much more resources from everyday surfing. ⭐ Since October 21, 2...
A microservices powered e-commerce shopping cart sample - based on SOA principles. Demos and sample for my "All our Aggregates are Wrong" talk
slideshow gems - write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions
📝 AWS Conferences One-Pagers [DEPRECATED]
A curated list of awesome resource for public speakers, trainers and so on!
Conjunto de palestras das edições do evento Python Brasil
Slides, Code, and Links to Resources from "Docker for the User," delivered at nyhackr 2018-07-11
#学习与技能提升#A collection of videos to showcase the magic alchemy of computation.