Elixir leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development, and the embedded software domain.
Created by José Valim
发布于 September 8, 2014
Peace of mind from prototype to production
翻译 - 富有成效。可靠。快速。
Simple, open source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
翻译 - Google Analytics(分析)的一种简单且易于使用的隐私替代方案
Cool open source projects. Choose your project and get involved in Open Source development now.
翻译 - 用С,C ++,Clojure,Lisp,Elixir,Erlang,Elm,Golang,Haskell,JavaScript,Lua,OCaml,Python,R,Ruby,Rust,Scala等编写的大量酷炫的开源项目列表。
Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀
翻译 - 把语音聊天飞上月球 🚀
Broadcast, Presence, and Postgres Changes via WebSockets
翻译 - 通过websockets实时收听PostgreSQL数据库。用Elixir构建。
#前端开发# Open-source live customer chat
翻译 - 开源实时客户聊天
🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs.
翻译 - Dependabot更新PR创建背后的核心逻辑,以及Dependabot所有事物的公共问题跟踪器
An actor-based Framework with network transparency for creating event-driven architecture in Golang. Inspired by Erlang. Zero dependencies.
翻译 - 在 Golang 中使用 Erlang/OTP 的技术和设计模式创建微服务的框架
#学习与技能提升# The content behind Elixir School
翻译 - 学习和掌握Elixir编程语言的最佳目的地
#计算机科学# Nx-powered Neural Networks
翻译 - 由Nx驱动的神经网络。
Interactive and collaborative code notebooks - made with Phoenix LiveView
翻译 - 交互式和协作式代码笔记本-用Phoenix LiveView制作。
Compile Elixir applications into single, easily distributed executable binaries
翻译 - SpawnFest 2020-您的描述在这里..!
Pre-trained Neural Network models in Axon (+ 🤗 Models integration)
#区块链# Source code to generate the "Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot" book
翻译 - 生成“在Elixir中创建加密货币交易机器人”一书的源代码