Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
🔥 A general version manager for thousands of SDKs with TUI inspired by lazygit. No need to remember any commands. Less bugs.
A step-by-step guideline to setup node bundle (node, npm, npx) and yarn via homebrew (managed by asdf-vm) on UNIX base machine
📦 asdf-vm plugin template with GitHub Actions and more!
☁️ GCloud CLI (Google Cloud SDK) plugin for asdf version manager. Pin gcloud versions for each project!
💻 macOS dotfiles managed with GNU stow + Homebrew Bundle
🔥Firebase CLI (firebase-tools) plugin for asdf version manager. Pin your Firebase CLI version for each project without Node.js or npm!
clusterctl plugin for the asdf version manager
Using chezmoi to quickly setup and track my macOS configurations
Post availability of new plugins and new candidate versions for the asdf version manager to Mastodon and Twitter.