Realtime sync for Postgres.
PartyKit simplifies developing multiplayer applications
Build your next app with sync.
CRDT implementation which is compatible with
A library of Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types for JavaScript
#安全#Architecture for end-to-end encrypted CRDTs
Delta State-based CRDTs in Javascript
Conflict-free replicated JSON implementation in native Go
A list of projects in the offline-first storage, sync & realtime collaboration/multiplayer space. [PRs welcome]
Collaborative editing of technical resources, article translation
A convergent reference type for Clojure(Script) via on an OpSets-based CRDT
#编辑器#Real world text editing traces for benchmarking CRDT and Rope data structures
qbit is a kotlin-multiplatform embeddable decentralized DBMS with object-relational information model
Rust implementation of NextGraph, a Decentralized and local-first web 3.0 ecosystem
Orda: A client and server written in Go. CRDT-based data synchronization supporting document database.
CRDT-like data structures for building distributed, offline-first applications