#区块链#WTF Solidity 极简入门教程,供小白们使用。Now supports English! 官网: https://wtf.academy
#区块链#Hardhat 是一个以太坊开发环境,有助于执行频繁的任务,例如编译、部署、运行测试、自动检查代码是否有错误,或与智能合约进行交互
#Awesome#⟠ A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more
The full stack toolkit to build onchain app UX
#区块链#Squeezer Framework - Build serverless dApps
翻译 - Squeezer Framework-构建无服务器dApp
The community maintained Solana token registry
翻译 - 社区维护 Solana 代币注册表
This repository hosts the lectures of the Plutus Pioneers Program. This program is a training course that the IOG Education Team provides to recruit and train software developers in Plutus, the native...
#区块链#The contents of this repository will help you launch a career in Blockchain development. How to deploy Smart contracts on Ethereum, build DApps, DeFi, DAO, NFT and Token protocol.
#区块链#The current, performant & industrial strength version of Holochain on Rust.
#区块链#Smart contracts comprising the business logic of the Matic Network
翻译 - Smart contracts comprising the business logic of the Matic Network
#区块链#DEPRECATED. The Holochain framework implemented in rust with a redux style internal state-model.
#区块链#Beam: Scalable Confidential Cryptocurrency. Leading the way to Confidential DeFi
翻译 - Beam:可扩展的机密加密货币。 Mimblewimble实现。
Javascript developer library to interact with Matic Network
#区块链#Unity Web3 Game Kit is the fastest way to connect and build games for Web3. It provides a single workflow for building high performance dapps. Fully compatible with your favourite platform.
翻译 - Moralis / Unity3D Boilerplate 项目用于演示如何将 Moralis 和 Moralis Web3Api 与 Unity 3D 集成。
#区块链#A SDK/library for decentralized web and distributing computing projects
翻译 - 用于分散式网络和分布式计算项目的SDK /库
Codebase for KyberSwap that helps users convert tokens instantly and directly from their own hardware wallets, metamask and so on. No setup, No deposit, no withdrawal needed. Try it out on https://kyb...
翻译 - KyberSwap的代码库,可帮助用户立即从其自己的硬件钱包,元掩码等直接转换令牌。无需设置,无需存款,无需取款。在https://kyberswap.com上尝试一下,或加入开发者电报https://t.me/KyberDeveloper。
Starter kit for smart contract development using Typescript