可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay/WeChat/Douyin/Unipay/江苏银行 的支付 SDK 扩展包了
Beautiful credit cards for your payment forms
翻译 - 付款表格的漂亮信用卡
Interactive React Paycard
翻译 - 交互式React Pay卡
PHP Payment processing library. It offers everything you need to work with payments: Credit card & offsite purchasing, subscriptions, payouts etc.
翻译 - PHP 7+付款处理库。它提供您处理付款所需的一切:信用卡和异地购买,订阅,付款等-由Forma-Pro提供
#区块链#Raiden Network
翻译 - 雷电网络
一套基于 现代 .NET 开发,支持跨平台、多商户的第三方支付SDK。
A sleek webfont featuring your favourite payment methods
翻译 - 时尚的网络字体,具有您喜欢的付款方式
#安卓#Easy, cross-platform credit-card input for your React Native Project! Start accepting payment 💰 in your app today!
PowerWechat是一款基于WeChat SDK for Golang,支持小程序、微信支付、企业微信、公众号等全微信生态
Metering and Billing for AI, API and DevOps. Collect and aggregate millions of usage events in real-time and enable usage-based billing.
#区块链#Smart contracts comprising the business logic of the Matic Network
翻译 - Smart contracts comprising the business logic of the Matic Network
微信支付 APIv3 的官方 Java Library
Stripe Checkout & Elements for Vue.js
功能最多样式最多的弹窗,支持普通/底部/日期/地区/日历/选择/编辑/分享/菜单/自定义弹窗等,支持多种动画,链式编程调用(Pop-up windows with the most functions and styles, support normal/bottom/date/region/calendar/select/edit/share/menu/custom pop-up windows...