#区块链#Raiden Network
翻译 - 雷电网络
#区块链#[LEGACY] Monorepo containing everything related to the core Connext protocols and network.
Ethereum implementation of the Ambire Protocol: Ambire Wallet contracts and AdEx payment channels
#区块链#Example code leveraging a simple one-way payment channel
#区块链#Postables Reusable Multi Party Payment Channel. Efficient, and lean Payment Channels with a dash of airdrops. Written in Solidity with Golang bindings
Lightning Cross Chain Atomic Swap
#区块链#The unofficial Raiden client (Ethereum L2 scaling solution) implementation in Rust
#区块链#The Ambire AdEx Validator Stack implemented in Rust: sentry, validator worker, adapter, adview manager
LN - synchronous and atomic payments
#区块链#Perun Payment Channels - Single Deployment Contracts
Probing-focused Lightning Network simulator
AdEx validator stack reference implementation: sentry, validator worker
#区块链#Payment channels using Solidity and SGX. Truffle for tests and infrastructure
Sidechain repository. Intended to link a private/sidechain to the main ethereum network (or other)
An Ethereum one-way unidirectional payment channel example in Solidity
#区块链#TON Ads. Peer-to-peer Internet ads. Platform that connects advertisers and ad platforms using TON Payment Channels technology.
#区块链#Payment channel platform for Ethereum with great UX and fast finality
#区块链#L2 simple exchange on payment channels in Zilliqa and Ethereum blockchains with limited fractional-reserve system for market making stimulation on MakerDAO stable-token DAI
Master thesis report, New Methods for Transactions in Blockchain Systems
#区块链#simple one-way payment channel