#区块链#⚠️ The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog. Thank you for all the support over the years.
翻译 - 开发智能合约的工具。用最好的可可制成。
#区块链#Personal blockchain for Ethereum development
翻译 - 个人区块子为Ethereum开发
#区块链#Source code for Eat The Blocks, a screencast for Ethereum Dapp Developers
翻译 - Eat The Blocks的源代码,这是以太坊Dapp开发人员的截屏视频
A high performance implementation of the Ruby programming language, built on GraalVM.
翻译 - Ruby编程语言的高性能实现。由Oracle Labs在GraalVM上构建。
#区块链#🔌 TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts
翻译 - 🔌以太坊智能合约的TypeScript绑定
#区块链#The contents of this repository will help you launch a career in Blockchain development. How to deploy Smart contracts on Ethereum, build DApps, DeFi, DAO, NFT and Token protocol.
#区块链#欢迎来到 Web3 世界,这里汇集了大量 Web3 示例项目和高质量学习资源。加入我们,和一百万开发者同行,一起探索并塑造未来世界的繁荣景象。立刻行动,开启您的 Web3 之旅!
#区块链#Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity
Truffle, Webpack and React boilerplate.
#区块链#Ethereum on Tendermint using Cosmos-SDK!
#chainlink #nft
翻译 - #chainlink #nft
Gas usage per unit test. Average gas usage per method. A mocha reporter.
✅ Verify your smart contracts on Etherscan from the Truffle CLI
#区块链#A starter boilerplate for an Ethereum dapp using web3.js v1.0, truffle, react, and parity
A NFT marketplace that enables the creation, sale, and purchase of digital art as NFTs.
Truffle Flattener concats solidity files from Truffle and Buidler projects with all of their dependencies