#区块链#Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with Javascript
Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.
#前端开发#Open source website builder and Webflow alternative. Webstudio is an advanced visual builder that connects to any headless CMS, supports all CSS properties, and can be hosted anywhere, including with ...
A community driven list of open source alternatives to proprietary software and applications.
My personal portfolio website built using React and three js
#区块链#Remix is a browser-based compiler and IDE that enables users to build Ethereum contracts with Solidity language and to debug transactions.
翻译 - Remix 是一种基于浏览器的编译器和 IDE,使用户能够使用 Solidity 语言构建以太坊合约并调试交易。
My personal website
翻译 - 我的个人网站
#区块链#Documentation for Remix IDE
Simple Authentication for Remix
Berry free react material-ui admin template for easing and faster web development.
翻译 - Berry free react material-ui 管理模板,用于简化和加快 Web 开发。
Flat Remix is an icon theme inspired by material design. It is mostly flat using a colorful palette with some shadows, highlights, and gradients for some depth.
Flat Remix is a GNOME Shell theme inspired by material design. It is mostly flat using a colorful palette with some shadows, highlights, and gradients for some depth.
翻译 - Flat Remix是受材料设计启发的GNOME Shell主题。使用带有一些阴影,高光和一定深度的渐变的彩色调色板,它通常是平坦的。
Hydrogen lets you build faster headless storefronts in less time, on Shopify.
#区块链#This has been moved to https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project
Generated file-based routes for Vite
📫 An open source temporary email tool. 只需一个域名部署临时邮箱,支持多域名后缀,密码找回。
Flat Remix is a GTK application theme inspired by material design. It is mostly flat using a colorful palette with some shadows, highlights, and gradients for some depth.
翻译 - Flat Remix GTK主题是一个非常简单的gtk窗口主题,其灵感来自于材料设计。它遵循现代设计,使用具有高对比度和鲜明边框的“平面”颜色。
Search and preview themes from the VS Code Marketplace.
秒级! 三行代码实现iOS视频压缩、变速、混音、合并、GIF水印、旋转、换音、裁剪 ! 支持不同分辩率,支持你能想到的各种混合操作! 扩展性强...更多功能不断增加中... iOS 8.0 + 有需要的功能或错误欢迎issue,笔者会及时更新