An opinionated collection of components, hooks, and utilities for your Next.js project.
#前端开发#Curso para aprender desarrollo frontend Web con Python puro desde cero. Elaborado durante las emisiones en directo desde Twitch de MoureDev.
Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links.
翻译 - Telegram Bot 用于存储帖子和文档,并且可以通过特殊链接访问。
✨ Rust 版 ServerStatus 探针、威力加强版
Search and preview themes from the VS Code Marketplace.
The open-source form backend for data privacy conscious developers.
The Railcraft Mod for Minecraft, source and development.
An open source web application for railway infrastructure design, capacity analysis, timetabling and simulation
#大语言模型#使用GPT-3.5 API创建的ChatGPT聊天页面,支持云部署,多用户使用,多对话管理,公式显示,流式动态显示,windows和linux均可极简部署,网页版 html python flask
An OpenStreetMap-based project for creating a map of the world's railway infrastructure.
All direct long-distance railway connections for cities in and beyond central Europe.
Running Dart Edge Rest api on most platform (supabase, Cloudflare, vercel, netlify and more).
Open source bot telegram menggunakan bahasa code dart
Userbot telegram dengan bahasa dart, bisa di host railway, heroku, local, vps dan lain lain yang support docker