Published by Mojang, Minecraft is a game that allows its players virtually unlimited creative and building authority in their 3D cube world.
Mods (short for modifications) change Minecraft's game content in some way, such as to make minor adjustments to the game's mechanics or implement entirely new features.
Based Minecraft utility mod.
翻译 - 基于Minecraft实用程序mod
A set of Minecraft mods that provide a real time web-based map system for various Minecraft server implementations.
翻译 - 一组Minecraft模组,可为各种Minecraft服务器实现提供基于Web的实时地图系统。
A Minecraft mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer.
A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
翻译 - Minecraft服务器的权限插件。
Just a list of useful mods
A free Minecraft hacked client (utility mod) for Fabric
翻译 - 适用于Minecraft的基于伪造的免费客户端
A Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
翻译 - A Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
Fast and multi-source CLI program for managing Minecraft mods and modpacks from Modrinth, CurseForge, and GitHub Releases
Minecraft Wurst Hacked Client v7
翻译 - Minecraft Wurst 被黑客户端 v7
A language package for Minecraft Mods.
翻译 - Minecraft Mods的语言包。
Just another ComputerCraft fork
翻译 - 只是另一个ComputerCraft前叉
Item and Recipe viewing mod for Minecraft
block game utility mod that makes you a cool kid
翻译 - 块游戏实用模块,让你成为一个很酷的孩子
Voxel world generation modding platform
翻译 - 快速,现代,可扩展,与平台无关的数据驱动世界生成器
Blazingly fast world manipulation for artists, builders and everyone else:
翻译 - 为艺术家、建设者和其他所有人提供极快的世界操控:
A fabric client mod to mine bedrock!
翻译 - 一个用于挖掘基岩的织物客户端模块!
GeckoLib is an animation engine for Minecraft mods, with support for complex 3D keyframe-based animations, numerous easings, concurrent animation support, sound and particle keyframes, event keyframes...