The modern Essentials suite for Spigot and Paper.
翻译 - Minecraft服务器的基本插件套件。
Discord bridging plugin for block game
翻译 - 您的母亲警告过您的Minecraft <-> Discord桥插件。
The original Bukkit Multi-World Plugin!
翻译 - 原始的Bukkit多世界插件!
Player Analytics plugin for Minecraft Server platforms - View player activity of your server with ease. 📆
The best authentication plugin for the Bukkit/Spigot API!
翻译 - Bukkit/Spigot API 的最佳认证插件!
Blazingly fast world manipulation for artists, builders and everyone else:
翻译 - 为艺术家、建设者和其他所有人提供极快的世界操控:
PlotSquared - Reinventing the plotworld
翻译 - PlotSquared - 重塑情节世界
Towny Advanced Minecraft plugin for Bukkit/Spigot.
翻译 - 适用于Bukkit / Spigot的Towny Advanced Minecraft插件。
A working voice chat in Minecraft!
Capture user input in Minecraft through an anvil GUI in under 20 lines of code
A Bukkit plugin which exports minecraft server stats to Prometheus
A collection of utilities and extended APIs to support the rapid and easy development of Bukkit plugins.
Create modern looking holograms in Minecraft.
Expandable Minecraft server plugin for island-type games like SkyBlock or AcidIsland.
An advanced and powerful quest scripting plugin for Minecraft. Features built-in RPG style conversations and integration for over 30+ other plugins.
ChestShop - the chest & sign shop plugin for Minecraft Servers running Bukkit/Spigot/Paper
Advanced Inventory API for your Minecraft Bukkit plugins.
A plugin can use Web to manage your MineCraft server.