The modern Essentials suite for Spigot and Paper.
翻译 - Minecraft服务器的基本插件套件。
WorldGuard Extra Flags reborn.
Website for EssentialsX, including downloads and configuration tools
Do not blindly trust EssentialsX! The reasons why you shouldn't trust what EssentialsX says about Mohist are all explained on this README.
Bssentials - The New Essentials
💗 A basic module of Project Essentials. This module adds a few basic commands in minecraft for the project. Many of the commands in this module will be familiar to you from EssentialsX.
✉ A lightweight chat manager for forge servers, with simple anti-spam and anti-advertising and anti-swearing protection, mutes, ranged chat, and other stuff.
🔌⛏️ A Minecraft Plugin that auto-populates the EssentialsX's items.csv file with Forge items and blocks.
Documentation for EssentialsX 2.x.
🤕 Lightweight module for controlling the backup of the game world and configuration files on the server and in a single world.
hosting for the Minecraft worth.yml file usable with EssentialsX plugin and others
⚖ API for controlling the activities of the player on the server and client. You can limit some commands to the player, his activities in the world and more.
An Essentials-like, must have command collection for your minecraft server
Home of the only physical banking plugin in Minecraft.
PowerEssentials plugin for PocketMine-MP and XPocketMP
⚒ API for creating modules of Project Essentials and reduce code duplication, also core module contains kotlin runtime and libraries. Also contains some settings for vanilla commands and events.
🏡 A wonderful module not to lose your home! The module allows you to create, delete and teleport to homes.
🎊 How we control spawn point! Adds literally two commands to configure players spawn point in the game world.
⌛ Project Essentials Cooldown API - additional module for Essentials; Just controlling player command spamming.
A Website that can create gradients to be used in Minecraft servers with 1.16+ hex support.