Apache Camel 是一个实现EIP(企业集成模式)的框架,使您能够快速轻松地集成各种消费或生产数据的系统。
HACS gives you a powerful UI to handle downloads of all your custom needs.
翻译 - 管理(安装,跟踪,升级)和发现Home Assistant的自定义元素。
The full stack toolkit to build onchain app UX
Reusable, vendor-neutral, industry-specific, vendor-specific solution architecture patterns for enterprise
翻译 - 该存储库包含解决方案体系结构模式,可以重复使用这些模式来构建企业软件系统
Apache DevLake is an open-source dev data platform to ingest, analyze, and visualize the fragmented data from DevOps tools, extracting insights for engineering excellence, developer experience, and co...
翻译 - DevLake:用于 DevOps 工具的开源数据湖和仪表板。
Project Flogo is an open source ecosystem of opinionated event-driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps.
翻译 - Flogo项目是一个开源的生态系统,具有自发的事件驱动功能,可简化构建高效,现代的无服务器功能,微服务和边缘应用程序的过程。
⚡️ Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience
翻译 - ⚡️ Ruby 中的 Vite.js,为您的 JavaScript 体验带来乐趣
A library of concise, meaningful examples of Apex code for common use cases following best practices.
翻译 - 遵循最佳实践的通用用例的简洁,有意义的Apex代码示例库。
New open-source cross-platform symbolic algebra library for C# and F#. Can be used for both production and research purposes.
翻译 - C#的开源数学分析引擎
The app which enables the users to edit office documents from Nextcloud using ONLYOFFICE Document Server, allows multiple users to collaborate in real time and to save back those changes to Nextcloud
Official PHP SDK for QuickBooks REST API v3.0: https://developer.intuit.com/
翻译 - 适用于QuickBooks REST API v3.0的官方PHP SDK:https://developer.intuit.com/