Webpack 是一个开源的前端打包工具。Webpack 提供了前端开发缺乏的模块化开发方式,将各种静态资源视为模块,并从它生成优化过的代码。
The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🦀️
#IOS#A collection of awesome loading animations
#安卓#✨ A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter. Heavily Inspired by http://tobiasahlin.com/spinkit.
Pure text, CSS only, font independent, inline loading indicators
翻译 - 纯文本,仅CSS,字体独立,内联加载指示器
Complex Loader and Progress Management for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt Applications
Meltano: the declarative code-first data integration engine that powers your wildest data and ML-powered product ideas. Say goodbye to writing, maintaining, and scaling your own API integrations.
Loaders for big data visualization. Website:
Lightweight SVG/CSS spinners for React
⭕ A collection of pure CSS React loading components
Amazing collection of React spinners components with pure css
翻译 - 带有纯CSS的React旋转器组件的惊人集合
🚀 High quality, super responsive and completely customisable Loading Animations to insert into your website with single line of code.
A collection of loading spinners with React.js
#IOS#Show pleasant loading view for your users 😍
NVActivityIndicatorView implemented in SwiftUI
Main Package for IO, loading all different kind of files
🍭 A React Native Loader Component which uses Airbnb's Lottie for beautiful loader animations.
#安卓#Android LoadersPack - a replacement of default android material progressbar with different loaders