#安卓#View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L (for Android 2.3+)
#安卓#Android LoadersPack - a replacement of default android material progressbar with different loaders
#安卓#A Customizable Switch UI for iOS, Inspired from Google's Material Design in Swift
#安卓#A UI framework library for heavy designs
#安卓#Indicator Effect library which features a highly customizable indicator/ripple effect
Xamarin Android Binding Library for Traex RippleEffect
Touch ripple component for @vuejs 3.x
Kotlin项目,主页一个listview,外层带SwipeRefreshLayout下拉刷新,任意item点击跳转自定义水波纹控件页面。 Java和Kotlin分别都有实现。随便写写。
UIView+Ripple+Wave is a lightweight framework that adds a waving effect to any UIView and written in Swift.