Send email in Python conveniently for gmail using yagmail
Fast, dependency-free Go package to infer binary file types based on the magic numbers header signature
翻译 - 小型,无依赖,快速的Go程序包,可基于幻数签名来推断二进制文件类型
a simple, customisable theme for your apache directory listing
翻译 - 一个简单,可定制的主题,用于您的apache目录列表
Share data beyond the browser boundaries. Enable users to transfer data to external apps, and open your webapp to receive external data.
Main Package for IO, loading all different kind of files
🗂 Swift MIME type checking based on magic bytes
Powerful and versatile MIME sniffing package using pre-compiled glob patterns, magic number signatures, XML document namespaces, and tree magic for mounted volumes, generated from the XDG shared-mime-...
This is a general purpose Swift library for a concept of typed treatment for Media Types. We use this library on clients and servers to speak the same dialect and to enjoy all the comfort strong types...
This library is used to detect real file format type via file hex head (identify file format by header).
A different take on the UNIX tool cat
A small tool which uses the CommonCrawl URL Index to download documents with certain file types or mime-types. This is used for mass-testing of frameworks like Apache POI and Apache Tika