Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
翻译 - Sortable —是一个JavaScript库,用于在现代浏览器和触摸设备上对拖放列表进行重新排序。不需要jQuery。支持Meteor,AngularJS,React,Polymer,Vue,Ember,Knockout和任何CSS库,例如引导程序。
#前端开发# 👌 Drag and drop so simple it hurts
翻译 - :ok_hand:拖放如此简单,很痛
Visual builder for React. Build apps, websites, and content. Integrate with your codebase.
Code examples that accompany various MDN DOM and Web API documentation pages
翻译 - 各种MDN DOM和Web API文档页面随附的代码示例