The JavaScript library for modern SVG graphics.
翻译 - 用于现代SVG图形的JavaScript库。
Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
翻译 - 将终端会话记录为SVG动画
🟩⬜ Generates a snake game from a github user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated svg or gif
#区块链#A no-framework, no-dependencies, customizable, animate-able, SVG-based <qr-code> HTML element.
#计算机科学#[NeurIPS 2020] Official code for the paper "DeepSVG: A Hierarchical Generative Network for Vector Graphics Animation". Includes a PyTorch library for deep learning with SVG data.
Materials for SVG Essentials & Animation Course
🚩Make an interactive step by step tour guide for your react-native app (a rewrite of react-native-copilot)
Lightweight, simple to use jQuery plugin to animate SVG paths
Small demo showing custom page animations with a fake typography site
翻译 - 显示带有假印刷站点的自定义页面动画的小演示
A Flutter library for gradually painting SVG path objects on canvas (drawing line animation).
Styled banners for your Readme made with html/css in SVG !!
Making a Doughnut Progress Bar - research notes
Making Animation Simple
beautifully crafted, moving icons. for svelte. 🧡
🌟 A HTTP Status svg animation that can change color and text arbitrarily.
Bookmarks that I ❤️
A design studio for vector illustrations. Built with React, Node and GraphQL.
一个可以通过拖放 SVG 图标,来生成拥有树状结构的视图与数据的前端组件。 SDT example:
SVG library optimized and animated built in HTML and CSS.