Angular 官方团队维护的公共组件和工具,包括基础组件和 Material 设计风格的 UI 组件。
#Awesome#📄 A curated list of awesome Angular resources
翻译 - :page_facing_up:精选的Angular资源精选列表
#前端开发#ng-zorro-antd 是遵循 Ant Design 设计规范的 Angular UI 组件库,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品
💥 Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System 🌚✨Dark Mode
翻译 - :boom:基于Eva设计系统的可自定义Angular UI库:new_moon_with_face :: sparkles:Dark模式
Clarity is a scalable, accessible, customizable, open source design system built with web components. Works with any JavaScript framework, built for enterprises, and designed to be inclusive.
翻译 - UX准则,HTML / CSS框架和Angular组件一起工作以创造出非凡的体验
✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular
翻译 - for专为Angular设计的功能丰富但轻巧的数据表
NG-ZORRO admin panel front-end framework (surge mirror
翻译 - NG-ZORRO管理面板前端框架(netlify镜像
📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
翻译 - :bar_chart:Angular的声明式图表框架
⭐ Native angular select component
翻译 - :star:原始角度6+选择组件
Catalog of Angular 2+ Components & Libraries
#前端开发#Angular UI Component Library based on DevUI Design
#Awesome#Collect JS Frameworks, Web components library and Admin Template.
#面试#A list of helpful Angular interview questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
#前端开发#Biblioteca de componentes Angular.
Tag Input component for Angular
翻译 - 角度的标签输入组件
#前端开发#A configurable Mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular. 🐜
Delon is a set of essential modules for ng-alain.
The HTML5 video player for Angular 2
翻译 - Angular 2的HTML5视频播放器
Semantic UI Angular Integrations (no jQuery)
翻译 - 语义UI角度集成(无jQuery)
Angular Material UI component for firebase authentication