#前端开发#ng-zorro-antd 是遵循 Ant Design 设计规范的 Angular UI 组件库,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品
NG-ZORRO admin panel front-end framework (surge mirror https://ng-alain-doc.surge.sh)
翻译 - NG-ZORRO管理面板前端框架(netlify镜像https://netlify.ng-alain.com/)
📝 JSON powered / Dynamic forms for Angular
翻译 - Angular的JSON驱动/动态表单
A simplified Jira clone built with Angular, ng-zorro and Akita
翻译 - 使用Angular 9和Akita构建的简化的Jira克隆
#前端开发#A configurable Mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular. 🐜
Delon is a set of essential modules for ng-alain. https://github.com/ng-alain/ng-alain/issues
Angular19 nestjs 中后台管理系统模板,移动端适配 Mobile adaptation ng-zorro ant-design-pro front-end framework
🐴🐂Visual prototyping platform for Angular 🐶🐷
52ABP社区所维护的主开源仓库你所下载的项目的源代码都在这里。The main open source repository maintained by the 52ABP community is where you download the source code for your project.
#前端开发#快速搭建angular后台管理系统的admin template。Fast development platform based on angular8, ng.ant.design built multi-tab page background management system (continuous upgrade) ^_^
Light-weight directives that power up ng-zorro-antd based on angular (adaptive auto height card and table, simplify form validation, 3d flip card or div transform etc.) / 让 zorro 组件库更简单、更易用、更强大的指令集
A Content Management System with Angular18, UI use Ant-Design(ng-zorro-antd)
This platform provide some platform template, and it's base on angular、ng-zorro、ant-design-pro.平台主要提供一些模板例子,技术基于angular、ng-zorro