Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
翻译 - 基于Angular 8+的可定制管理仪表板模板
#Awesome#📄 A curated list of awesome Angular resources
翻译 - :page_facing_up:精选的Angular资源精选列表
NG-ZORRO admin panel front-end framework (surge mirror
翻译 - NG-ZORRO管理面板前端框架(netlify镜像
🎓 [PT-BR] Curso de Angular gratuito - [EN] Source code of my free Angular training.
翻译 - :灰泥板:[PT-BR]自由角课程(v2 +)
ShoppingCart (Ecommerce) 🛒 Application using Angular10, Firebase, PWA, Drag&Drop, Materialized Bootstrap and i18n 🚀🔥👨💻
WeUI for angular
翻译 - WeUI的角度
Sample project to create an application using microservices architecture
Angular JSON Schema Form
#博客#🔏 Admin client for blog powered by @angular and Bootstrap4
翻译 - blog由@angular和Bootstrap4支持的我的博客的管理员客户端
🦠Corona Virus / Covid 19 Tracker Dashboard With Awesome UI + PWA + NodeJS Scraper
翻译 - ona具有出色的UI + PWA + NodeJS Scraper的Corona Virus / Covid 19 Tracker仪表板
Pure Angular 2+ date range picker with material design theme, a demo here:
#编辑器#Angular(also Angular 17) WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor (from ngWig -
A simple Angular webcam component / pure & minimal, no flash-fallback
NG-NEST 是一个开源的 Web 应用程序框架,基于 Angular 和 Nest ,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品
An angular web application for rclone
📝 Ionic Tutorial - Learn to use Forms and Validations in Ionic Angular apps. Get a FREE Ionic 5 Forms Starter App and learn to handle simple and custom validations. Includes complete ionic forms tuto...