#文件分享#croc 是一个命令行文件传输工具,能非常方便安全地在任意两台电脑之间互传文件和文件夹
Infinitely transfer between every device over pure HTTP with pipes or browsers
翻译 - 通过纯HTTP在每个设备之间无限传输:专为所有人(包括使用Unix管道的用户)以及浏览器用户而设计
Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound
翻译 - 通过声音进行无服务器,对等,本地文件共享
Transmit data with sound using Web Audio -- Javascript binding for libquiet
翻译 - 使用Web Audio通过声音传输数据-libquiet的Javascript绑定
Portal is a quick and easy command-line file transfer utility from any computer to another 🌌 ✨
🔥 Blazing fast bulk data transfers between any cloud 🔥
📦 Command line peer-to-peer data transfer tool based on libp2p.
翻译 - 📦基于libp2p的命令行对等数据传输工具。
Rust implementation of Magic Wormhole, with new features and enhancements
#自然语言处理#Library for faster pinned CPU <-> GPU transfer in Pytorch
翻译 - 在Pytorch中可更快固定CPU <-> GPU传输的库
Cross-platform content sharing in a local network
翻译 - 局域网中的跨平台内容共享
Distributed Data Transfer Service for MySQL
🖥 Securely transfer and send anything between computers with TUI.
Ape Data Transfer Suite, written in Rust. Provides ultra-fast data replication between MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka and ClickHouse, ideal for disaster recovery (DR) and migration scenarios...
Infinitely transfer between every device over pure HTTP with pipes or browsers
Use SQL to build ELT pipelines on a data lakehouse.
An angular web application for rclone
Databay is a Python interface for scheduled data transfer. It facilitates transfer of (any) data from A to B, on a scheduled interval.
An annotation processor library to automatically generate the data transfer objects (DTO).
Easy and secure file transfer between every device over HTTPS with/without E2E encryption by ECDH and OpenPGP
A secure P2P file sharing using WebRTC without server-side need.