Tiny data-over-sound library
翻译 - 微小的声音数据库
Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound
翻译 - 通过声音进行无服务器,对等,本地文件共享
Transmit data using ultrasonic audio. Perfect for offline/network-free data transfer, automatic content recognition (ACR), and broadcast.
翻译 - 使用超声波音频传输数据。非常适合离线/无网络数据传输,自动内容识别(ACR)和广播。
SoniControl - the first ultrasonic firewall
Mirror of ggwave used in the Arduino Library Manager
#安卓#Helping groups securely exchange contact information.
Allows your device to communicate in an electronic sound language. Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/qrtone. Demo App in https://universite-gustave-eiffel.github.io/qrtone/
C Libraries to encode and decode data over sound
Data transmission over audio
Example code for using Chirp with embedded devices
iPhone SDK to decode ultrasonics