Tiny data-over-sound library
翻译 - 微小的声音数据库
Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound
翻译 - 通过声音进行无服务器,对等,本地文件共享
Transmit data with sound using Web Audio -- Javascript binding for libquiet
翻译 - 使用Web Audio通过声音传输数据-libquiet的Javascript绑定
Transmit data with sound. Includes binaries for soundcards and .wav files.
翻译 - 声音传输数据。包括声卡和.wav文件的二进制文件。
#安卓#Quiet for Android - TCP over sound
翻译 - 适用于Android的静音-声音上的TCP
#IOS#iOS framework for the Quiet Modem (data over sound)
Data transmission over sound waves written in JavaScript without any dependencies. All you need is just microphone, speakers and the browser!
An ESP8266 based RS232 <-> WiFi modem with Hayes AT style commands and LED indicators
#安全#E2E encryption for multi-hop tty sessions or portshells + TCP/UDP port forward
Hologram device-side Python SDK - Send messages to the cloud in just 3 lines of code!
A NodeMCU (ESP8266) based WiFi modem for the C64's user port
CLI tool to monitor downstream load on DOCSIS cable networks