Deskreen turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
翻译 - Deskreen会将带有网络浏览器的任何设备切换到计算机的第二个屏幕
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE, HID, CAN-bus, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks.
翻译 - 瑞士军刀可用于802.11,BLE和以太网侦察和MITM攻击。
Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning
翻译 - 廉价的WiFi骇客
The Rogue Access Point Framework
翻译 - 流氓接入点框架
A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!
翻译 - 用于管理网络和排除网络故障的强大工具!
A suite of WiFi/Bluetooth offensive and defensive tools for the ESP32
WiFi security auditing tools suite
翻译 - WiFi安全审核工具套件
High-precision indoor positioning framework, version 3.
翻译 - 高精度室内定位框架,版本3。
Feature-rich wifi hotspot creator for Linux which provides both GUI and command-line interface. It is also able to create a hotspot using the same wifi card which is connected to an AP already ( Simil...
Pingtunnel is a tool that send TCP/UDP traffic over ICMP
DEPRECATED, wifipumpkin3 ->
翻译 - 恶意Wi-Fi接入点攻击的框架
Quickly fetch your WiFi password and if needed, generate a QR code of your WiFi to allow phones to easily connect
翻译 - 快速获取您的WiFi密码,并在需要时生成WiFi的QR码,以便手机轻松连接
Small tool to capture packets from wlan devices.
翻译 - 捕获来自wlan设备的数据包的小工具。
FW for ESP8266/ESP8285/ESP32 used with 3D printer
翻译 - 适用于3D打印机的ESP8266 / ESP8285 / ESP32的固件