This is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks.
翻译 - 这是Linux系统用于审核无线网络的多用途bash脚本。
#安卓#Cross-platform AirDrop. File transfer between Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows over ad hoc WiFi. No network infrastructure required, just two devices with WiFi chips in close range.
翻译 - 通过自动配置的临时网络进行无线加密文件传输。无需网络基础架构(接入点,路由器,交换机)。仅有两台带有无线芯片的笔记本电脑。 Mac,Windows和Linux。
OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol
翻译 - Google发布的OpenThread是Thread网络协议的开源实现
USB WiFi Adapter Information for Linux
DEPRECATED, wifipumpkin3 ->
翻译 - 恶意Wi-Fi接入点攻击的框架
#安卓#Aircrack, Airodump, Aireplay, MDK3 and Reaver GUI Application for Android
翻译 - 适用于Android的Aircrack,Airodump,Aireplay,MDK3和Reaver GUI应用程序
Powerful framework for rogue access point attack.
翻译 - 强大的流氓接入点攻击框架。
📡 A python program to create a fake AP and sniff data.
RFSec-ToolKit is a collection of Radio Frequency Communication Protocol Hacktools.无线通信协议相关的工具集,可借助SDR硬件+相关工具对无线通信进行研究。Collect with ♥ by HackSmith
Network Defense System.