#UI框架#一个可扩展的 table 组件,支持集成 Bootstrap、Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js
low cost software radio platform
翻译 - 低成本软件无线电平台
Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches.
翻译 - 打开切换开关中的复选框和单选按钮。
Custom firmware for the HackRF+PortaPack H1/H2/H4
A self-hosted web radio management suite, including turnkey installer tools for the full radio software stack and a modern, easy-to-use web app to manage your stations.
翻译 - 一个自托管的网络广播管理套件,包括用于完整广播软件堆栈的交钥匙安装程序工具和一个现代,易于使用的网络应用程序,用于管理您的电台。
Professional Radio Station App for iOS!
#Awesome#A Curated list of IoT Security Resources
翻译 - 物联网安全资源精选清单
Cross-Platform Software-Defined Radio Application
翻译 - 跨平台软件定义的无线电应用
Software, firmware, and hardware designs for Ubertooth
翻译 - Ubertooth的软件,固件和硬件设计
EdgeTX is the cutting edge open source firmware for your R/C radio
翻译 - EdgeTX 是 OpenTx 的前沿
RFSec-ToolKit is a collection of Radio Frequency Communication Protocol Hacktools.无线通信协议相关的工具集,可借助SDR硬件+相关工具对无线通信进行研究。Collect with ♥ by HackSmith
Music player capable of playing local audio or from Youtube, Spotify and many more
Spectrum analyzer for multiple SDR platforms (PyQtGraph based GUI for soapy_power, hackrf_sweep, rtl_power, rx_power and other backends)