Castro (Compressible Astrophysics): An adaptive mesh, astrophysical compressible (radiation-, magneto-) hydrodynamics simulation code for massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures.
☢️👁️ Hardware for a hackable DIY gamma-ray spectrometer using a popular NaI(Tl) scintillator, SiPM and a Raspberry Pi Pico.
Custom firmware for Geiger counters/radiation meters (FS2011, Bosean FS-600, FS-1000, FS-5000, FNIRSI GC-01)
🌱 A fast line-by-line code for high-resolution infrared molecular spectra
Heat transfer component of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL)
Control RadiaCode-10x radiation detectors via Python. Collect real-time measurements, analyze spectra, and manage device settings over USB or Bluetooth.
Control tool for the GQ GMC Geiger Counters.
Arduino library for radiation detector module RadSens to simplify integration into compatible platforms.
Modern toolbox for impurity transport, neutrals and radiation modeling in magnetically-confined plasmas
Monitor and record background radiation levels with a cheap detector and a Raspberry Pi.
☢️📊 Progressive Web App MCA for gamma spectroscopy including file and live plot support via a serial interface.
This integration uses official API to get weather warnings for Poland and storm warnings for Europe from
☢️ ESP8266 / ESP32 Firmware for collecting and reporting statistics from Geiger counters
A line-by-line longwave radiation code for planetary atmospheres.
A set of radiation transport mini-applications used for performance optimization on HPC systems.