Count the number of people around you :family_man_man_boy: by monitoring wifi signals 🛰️
翻译 - 通过监视wifi信号:satellite:计算您周围的人数:family_man_man_boy:
Malicious traffic detection system
翻译 - 恶意流量检测系统
#安卓#Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
翻译 - 避风港适用于需要通过Android应用和设备上的传感器保护自己的个人空间和财产而又不损害自己的隐私的人
Minimalistic graph card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI
#安卓#⚡ [Android Library] Play with sensor events & detect gestures in a breeze.
翻译 - :zap:[Android库]玩传感器事件并轻松检测手势。
OpenCalib: A Multi-sensor Calibration Toolbox for Autonomous Driving
🌱💧 An open source DIY soil moisture sensor
#安卓#📱 [Android Library] Get device information in a super easy way.
#计算机科学#This repository provides code for machine learning algorithms for edge devices developed at Microsoft Research India.
翻译 - 该存储库为Microsoft Research India开发的边缘设备提供了机器学习算法的代码。
华为鸿蒙分布式操作系统(Huawei HarmonyOS,纯血鸿蒙Harmony Next ),开源鸿蒙分布式操作系统( OpenHarmony)开发技术交流,最全鸿蒙技术资料库,手册,指南,共建国产操作系统万物互联新生态。
This custom component for Home Assistant will add crucial features to your climate-controlling TRV (Thermostatic Radiator Valves) to save you the work of creating automations to make it smart. It comb...
翻译 - 这个 Home Assistant 的自定义组件将为您的气候控制 TRV(恒温散热器阀)添加关键功能,以节省您创建自动化以使其变得智能的工作。它结合了室温传感器、门窗传感器、天气预报或环境温度探头,以决定何时需要加热并自动校准您的 TRV,以修复在散热器附近进行的不精确测量。
Battery state card for Home Assistant
A developer friendly approach for sensors in React Native
An open source bike computer based on Raspberry Pi Zero (W, WH, 2W) with GPS and ANT+. Including offline map and navigation.
UPM is a high level repository that provides software drivers for a wide variety of commonly used sensors and actuators. These software drivers interact with the underlying hardware platform through c...
sourcecode for reading sensor data
Arduino and CMake library for communicating with the InvenSense MPU-6500, MPU-9250 and MPU-9255 nine-axis IMUs. EDGE is a powerful C++ and JavaScript SDK for edge devices, multi-service IoT gateways and connected embedded systems.
A Python package and CLI tool to work with w1 temperature sensors like DS1822, DS18S20 & DS18B20 on the Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone and other devices.