#安卓#⚡ [Android Library] Play with sensor events & detect gestures in a breeze.
翻译 - :zap:[Android库]玩传感器事件并轻松检测手势。
A simple Fingers Detection (or Gesture Recognition) using OpenCV and Python with background substraction 简单手势识别
#安卓#👉 detects swipe events on Android
Training a Neural Network to Detect Gestures and Control Smart Home Devices with OpenCV in Python
#人脸识别#Auto Attendance System Using Real Time Face Recognition With Various Computer Vision & Machine Learning Tools
Intel Realsense Toolkit for Hand tracking and Gestural Recognition on Unity3D
#计算机科学#This repository contains python implementation for recognizing Indian sign language (ISL) gestures for deaf and dumb people.
#计算机科学#A CNN model in numpy for gesture recognition
🖐 Memory game with hand gesture recognition that will keep your brain in a good shape!
Easy to use, reliable and lightweight gesture detector for Flutter apps, exposing simple API for basic gestures
#安卓#The Mapbox Gestures for Android library makes it easy to detect and handle user gestures on an Android device.
Hand Gesture Recognition - Hand tracking - Mediapipe
It's a hand gesture detection project.
#安卓#PinchZoom on TextureView while playing your videos
APDS9960 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
#计算机科学#Recognition of standard army hand gestures.
#计算机科学#Detection and classification of head gestures in videos
web-based real-time hand gesture recognition with React.js, Tensorflow.js and Fingerpose
3D CNN-LSTM model for hand gesture recognition