#计算机科学#Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples
翻译 - 学习OpenCV:C ++和Python示例
Automated CI toolchain to produce precompiled opencv-python, opencv-python-headless, opencv-contrib-python and opencv-contrib-python-headless packages.
📖 OpenCV-Python image processing tutorial for beginners
A Python package for fast and robust Image Stitching
Opencv4.0 with python (English&中文), and will keep the update ! 👊
Faking your webcam background under GNU/Linux, now supports background blurring, animated background, colour map effect, hologram effect and on-demand processing.
翻译 - 在GNU / Linux下伪造您的网络摄像头背景,现在支持动画背景和全息图
🥂 Gracefully face hCaptcha challenge with MoE(ONNX) embedded solution.
#计算机科学#OpenCV-Python4.1 中文文档
#计算机科学#Real-time Facial Emotion Detection using deep learning
This is a Computer vision package that makes its easy to run Image processing and AI functions. At the core it uses OpenCV and Mediapipe libraries.
翻译 - 这是一个计算机视觉软件包,可以轻松运行图像处理和 AI 功能。它的核心是使用 OpenCV 和 Mediapipe 库。
#人脸识别#Learn OpenCV in 4 Hours - Code used in my Python and OpenCV course on freeCodeCamp.
翻译 - 4小时内学习OpenCV-我的Python和OpenCV课程中使用的代码
A set of Python classes that transport OpenCV images from one computer to another using PyZMQ messaging.
#计算机科学#GUI based Smart Sudoku Solver that tries to extract a sudoku puzzle from a photo and solve it
翻译 - 基于GUI的Smart Sudoku Solver,可尝试从照片中提取数独难题并加以解决
#计算机科学# Implementation of Quickdraw - an online game developed by Google
翻译 - Quickdraw的实现-Google开发的在线游戏
🍷 Gracefully claim weekly free games and monthly content from Epic Store.
Simple example of using a CSI-Camera (like the Raspberry Pi Version 2 camera) with the NVIDIA Jetson Developer Kit
#计算机科学#A sign language interpreter using live video feed from the camera.
#计算机科学#YOLOv7 Object Tracking Using PyTorch, OpenCV and Sort Tracking
#人脸识别#Face based attendance system using python and OpenCV