Fully async, multithreaded, predictive, open source, 3.01 reach, 1.005 timer, 0.01% speed, 99.99% antikb, "bypassable" 1.8-1.21 anticheat.
Valve Anti-Cheat bypass written in C.
翻译 - 用C编写的Valve Anti-Cheat旁路
#计算机科学#A project that uses optical flow and machine learning to detect aimhacking in video clips.
翻译 - 一个使用光流和机器学习来检测视频剪辑中的瞄准黑客的项目。
kernel mode anti cheat
Loader for VAC Bypass written in C.
翻译 - 用C编写的VAC Bypass加载程序。
UltimateAntiCheat is an open source usermode anti-cheat system made to detect and prevent common attack vectors in game cheating (C++, Windows)
Stealthy UM <-> KM communication system without creating any system threads, permanent hooks, driver objects, section objects or device objects
Anti-Cheat for Source Games
.NET Project containing plenty of advanced techniques to detect various types of malicious actions on your software, with syscall support.
Anti-debugging techniques on a (bad looking) Win32 application.
Hook WinAPI functions used by Valve Anti-Cheat. Log calls and intercept arguments & return values. DLL written in C.
翻译 - 挂钩Valve Anti-Cheat使用的WinAPI函数。记录调用并拦截参数和返回值。用C编写的DLL
Scythe Anticheat - The best Minecraft Bedrock anticheat designed for realms, worlds and servers
#安卓#Easy-as-dumb toolkit to prevent any malicious injections in your Android app. Beware of cheaters!
Fast and Maximally Accurate Occlusion Culling