A boilerplate project created in flutter using MobX and Provider.
SuperDllHijack:A general DLL hijack technology, don't need to manually export the same function interface of the DLL, so easy! 一种通用Dll劫持技术,不再需要手工导出Dll的函数接口了
This tool will setting up your backdoor/rootkits when backdoor already setup it will be hidden your spesisifc process,unlimited your session in metasploit and transparent. Even when it killed, it will...
Introduce the best practice experience of Go project with a complete project example.通过一个完整的项目示例介绍Go语言项目的最佳实践经验.
Progressive Web App Manifest Generator for Webpack, with auto icon resizing and fingerprinting support.
Common Exploitation Techniques for Java RCE Vulnerabilities in Real-World Scenarios | 实战场景较通用的 Java Rce 相关漏洞的利用方式
#前端开发#Adds email sending capability to a Nuxt.js app. Adds a server route, an injected variable, and uses nodemailer to send emails.
A macOS dylib project , aimed at enhancing and extending the functionality of target software.
CSS processor resources loader for webpack
Disconnected RSAT - A method of running Group Policy Manager, Certificate Authority and Certificate Templates MMC snap-ins from non-domain joined machies
#安卓#Sample project based on the new Android Component Architecture
#安卓#Android Ptrace Inject for all ABIs and all APIs. Help you inject Shared Library on Android.
Tomb Raider II Injector Dynamic Library
A Vue plugin for injecting remote scripts.
Inject css at the top of chunk file in lib mode using import statement, support multiple entries.