Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then ...
翻译 - 该fatrat一个巨大的利用工具:生成后门的简易工具和发布浏览器攻击等攻击的简易工具。此工具会编译具有有效负载的恶意软件,然后可以在Windows,Android,Mac上执行编译的恶意软件。使用此工具创建的恶意软件还具有绕过大多数AV软件保护的功能。
The all-in-one browser extension for offensive security professionals 🛠
翻译 - Web Pentester的多人红队扩展🛠
venom - C2 shellcode generator/compiler/handler
#安卓#Hacking tools pack & backdoors generator.
Python antivirus evasion tool
MSFvenom Payload Creator (MSFPC)
Kage is Graphical User Interface for Metasploit Meterpreter and Session Handler
This tool will setting up your backdoor/rootkits when backdoor already setup it will be hidden your spesisifc process,unlimited your session in metasploit and transparent. Even when it killed, it will...
Cloak can backdoor any python script with some tricks.
Anonymously Reverse Shell over Tor Network using Hidden services without Portforwarding.
Hacking systems with the automation of PasteJacking attacks.
Single Page Cheatsheet for common MSF Venom One Liners
This POC gives you the possibility to compile a .exe to completely avoid statically detection by AV/EPP/EDR of your C2-shellcode and download and execute your C2-shellcode which is hosted on your (C2)...
Peas create serialized payload for deserialization RCE attack on python driven applications where pickle ,pyYAML, ruamel.yaml or jsonpickle module is used for deserialization of serialized data. I wil...
DragonMS is Tools for ddos, scanner, tracker, payload generator msfvenom and scraping