#安全#sqlmap 是一个开源的渗透测试工具,可以用来自动化的检测,利用SQL注入漏洞,获取数据库服务器的权限。它具有功能强大的检测引擎,针对各种不同类型数据库的渗透测试的功能选项,包括获取数据库中存储的数据,访问操作系统文件甚至可以通过带外数据连接的方式执行操作系统命令。
#安全#SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) / reverse proxy to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.
#安全#Source code for Hacker101.com - a free online web and mobile security class.
翻译 - Hacker101.com的源代码-免费的在线Web和移动安全类。
#安全#Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)
翻译 - 该死的易受攻击的Web应用程序(DVWA)
#安全#w3af: web application attack and audit framework, the open source web vulnerability scanner.
翻译 - w3af:Web应用程序攻击和审核框架,开源Web漏洞扫描程序。
#安全#Top disclosed reports from HackerOne
#网络爬虫#Web Application Security Scanner Framework
翻译 - Web应用程序安全扫描程序框架
#安全#A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz lists, malicious file uploads and web pentesting methodologies and checklists.
翻译 - Burpsuite入侵者有效负载,BurpBounty有效负载,模糊列表,恶意文件上传以及网络渗透测试方法和清单的集合。
#安全#Automated NoSQL database enumeration and web application exploitation tool.
#安全#A cheat sheet that contains advanced queries for SQL Injection of all types.
#安全#DDos Ripper a Distributable Denied-of-Service (DDOS) attack server that cuts off targets or surrounding infrastructure in a flood of Internet traffic
翻译 - DDos Ripper 一种可分发的拒绝服务 (DDOS) 攻击服务器,可在大量 Internet 流量中切断目标或周围的基础设施
#安全#jSQL Injection is a Java application for automatic SQL database injection.
#安全#GraphQLmap is a scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes. - Do not use for illegal testing ;)
#网络爬虫#massive SQL injection vulnerability scanner
#安全#JANUSEC Application Gateway provides secure access, including reverse proxy, K8S Ingress Controller, Automatic ACME Certificate, WAF, 5-Second Shield, CC Defense, OAuth2 Authentication, Global Server ...
#安全#wide range mass audit toolkit
#安全#Advanced reconnaissance utility
#安全#An industry-leading free, high-performance, AI and semantic technology Web Application Firewall and API Security Gateway (WAAP) - UUSEC WAF.
#安全#MagicRecon is a powerful shell script to maximize the recon and data collection process of an objective and finding common vulnerabilities, all this saving the results obtained in an organized way in ...