#安全#SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) / reverse proxy to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.
Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices
翻译 - 嵌入式设备的开发框架
Bruteforce attack for Instagram.
翻译 - 针对Instagram的蛮力攻击
#安卓#Unlock an Android phone (or device) by bruteforcing the lockscreen PIN. Turn your Kali Nethunter phone into a bruteforce PIN cracker for Android devices! (no root, no adb)
翻译 - 通过强制使用锁屏PIN解锁Android手机(或设备)。将您的Kali Nethunter手机变成适用于Android设备的蛮力PIN破解器! (无root,无adb)
Automated Penetration Testing Framework - Open-Source Vulnerability Scanner - Vulnerability Management
翻译 - 自动化渗透测试框架
All-in-One Hacking Tools For Hackers! And more hacking tools! For termux.
#安卓#SocialBox is a Bruteforce Attack Framework [ Facebook , Gmail , Instagram ,Twitter ] , Coded By Belahsan Ouerghi Edit By samsesh for termux on android
A powerful and useful hacker dictionary builder for a brute-force attack
Network Analysis Tool
翻译 - 网络分析工具
Atomic counters and rate limiting tools. Limit resource access at any scale.
CMS Detection and Exploitation suite - Scan WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and over 180 other CMSs
Utilize misconfigured DNS and old database records to find hidden IP's behind the CloudFlare network
翻译 - 利用配置错误的DNS和旧数据库记录来查找CloudFlare网络背后的隐藏IP
Hacker tools on Go (Golang)
翻译 - Go上的黑客工具
Automatically brute force all services running on a target.
Dictionary collection project such as Pentesing, Fuzzing, Bruteforce and BugBounty. 渗透测试、SRC漏洞挖掘、爆破、Fuzzing等字典收集项目。
Automated & Manual Wordlists provided by Assetnote
翻译 - Assetnote提供的自动和手动单词表
Secure Shell Bruteforcer — A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server
翻译 - 安全Shell暴力破解-暴力破解SSH服务器的更快,更简单的方法