KeePassXC 是一个用于保存和管理密码的工具
Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito 的开源替代品
Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
翻译 - 与KeePass兼容的免费跨平台密码管理器
John the Ripper jumbo - advanced offline password cracker, which supports hundreds of hash and cipher types, and runs on many operating systems, CPUs, GPUs, and even some FPGAs
翻译 - 这是开膛手约翰(John Ripper)“巨型”版本的官方仓库。 “ bleinging-jumbo”分支基于2019年5月14日发布的1.9.0-Jumbo-1。在“主”分支(CVS:。
Logto 帮助你在数分钟内构建登录注册体验和用户身份体系的开源项目。在安全、优雅、灵活、高效的同时,为你的用户提供愉悦的登录体验。
Version 2 is live! Wordlists sorted by probability originally created for password generation and testing - make sure your passwords aren't popular!
You Know, For WEB Fuzzing ! 日站用的字典。
#安全#Password protect a static HTML page, decrypted in-browser in JS with no dependency. No server logic needed.
K8工具合集(内网渗透/提权工具/远程溢出/漏洞利用/扫描工具/密码破解/免杀工具/Exploit/APT/0day/Shellcode/Payload/priviledge/BypassUAC/OverFlow/WebShell/PenTest) Web GetShell Exploit(Struts2/Zimbra/Weblogic/Tomcat/Apache/Jboss/DotNetNuke...
🔑 stateless open source password manager
翻译 - :key:无状态开源密码管理器
Open-source Auth0/Clerk alternative
Ladon大型内网渗透扫描器,PowerShell、Cobalt Strike插件、内存加载、无文件扫描。含端口扫描、服务识别、网络资产探测、密码审计、高危漏洞检测、漏洞利用、密码读取以及一键GetShell,支持批量A段/B段/C段以及跨网段扫描,支持URL、主机、域名列表扫描等。网络资产探测32种协议(ICMP\NBT\DNS\MAC\SMB\WMI\SSH\HTTP\HTTPS\Exchan...
Passbolt Community Edition (CE) API. The JSON API for the open source password manager for teams!
翻译 - Passbolt CE Backend,用Cakephp编写的JSON API
Common User Passwords Profiler (CUPP)
翻译 - 通用用户密码探查器(CUPP)
Email OSINT & Password breach hunting tool, locally or using premium services. Supports chasing down related email
翻译 - :mailbox_with_no_mail :: mag_right:本地或使用高级服务的密码泄露搜寻和电子邮件OSINT工具。支持追踪相关电子邮件
🔓 🔓 Find secrets and passwords in container images and file systems 🔓 🔓
翻译 - 在容器映像和文件系统中查找机密和密码
A collection of all the data i could extract from 1 billion leaked credentials from internet.
翻译 - 我可以从Internet泄漏的10亿份凭据中提取的所有数据的集合。
Username and password authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.