🔑 stateless open source password manager
翻译 - :key:无状态开源密码管理器
Compatible with LessPass. RustedLessPass is a standalone password manager written in Rust. Powered by Rust / Wasm.
fastLane is a stateless and serverless password manager. Use only one password to get access to all of your passwords without storing all of them using a database with recursive hashing.
Rust library and CLI implementation of the LessPass password generator.
LessPass WebExtension that saves profiles to remoteStorage.
LessPass password generator cli written in Go
LessPass is a stateless password manager, this is a PowerShell implementation of the CLI
C implementation of lesspass (version 2)
[MIRROR] Tiny LessPass API server client CLI to get passwords and site settings
UWP client for lesspass in Fluent Design.
CLI helper to get LessPass paswords configuration directly from a LessPass server (Python implementation)
Offsync is a stateless open-source password manager inspired from Lesspass
#IOS#iOS client application for LessPass open source password manager
A single HTML file lessPass version
#区块链#A Open-Source Password Manager Programed in Python